Is It Ever Okay To Block Your Boss?

Hi there,

I've got a question for you:

Is it ever okay to block your boss?

I ran an interesting session with one of our clients recently about boundary setting, and this came out - people are just blocking each other now when something comes up that they don't want to deal with or if they don't want to work past a certain time.

People are super protective of their boundaries. So, when they see the way that others are working, and don’t want that for themselves, they just turn off all communication platforms so they can’t be contacted or communicated with.

So, is it a good thing?

Well, yeah, I guess in that it means people are giving themselves the breaks they need. But the thing is, we’re not blocking whole businesses, we’re blocking people. And that brings with it a set of feelings - for both the blocker and the blockee.

We’re a nation of avoiders and cr*p communicators - we’ve been avoiding talking about how we feel or stating our needs forever.

But why are we so scared to have conversations about how we're feeling?

Why do we not like to voice our concerns?

Why are we so uncomfortable to share what our needs are?

And why do we put ourselves over team?

Time and time again, I see businesses where a breakdown in communication is the issue and it’s stopping people working well, feeling engaged and producing good work.

Whereas previously maybe we were too over-connected and gave our time too freely, we’re now super un-connected. So, everyone feels a bit bruised, disengaged, demotivated, isolated or separate as a consequence.

Our most basic human skill is failing us and we HAVE to get better at it. Not only for the sake of our businesses, but how connected we feel as humans.

So, here are some really useful questions or conversation starters to use straight away with your team, employee or boss next time you want to start a dialogue.

  1. How do you like to manage or be managed?
  2. This is how I like to manage or be managed
  3. What’s your communication style?
  4. This is how I like to communicate
  5. What is the best way to ask for your input or feedback?
  6. This is how I tend to give feedback
  7. What would you do in my shoes?

I would love to hear people’s thoughts on this and whether you can relate!

I know you've been eagerly awaiting their return, so to add a sprinkle of excitement to this newsletter, here's my TikTok video on the topic.

For more information on how we can help your team communicate better, check out our employee training and development programmes.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Cate x

Hi there,

I've got a question for you:

Is it ever okay to block your boss?

I ran an interesting session with one of our clients recently about boundary setting, and this came out - people are just blocking each other now when something comes up that they don't want to deal with or if they don't want to work past a certain time.

People are super protective of their boundaries. So, when they see the way that others are working, and don’t want that for themselves, they just turn off all communication platforms so they can’t be contacted or communicated with.

So, is it a good thing?

Well, yeah, I guess in that it means people are giving themselves the breaks they need. But the thing is, we’re not blocking whole businesses, we’re blocking people. And that brings with it a set of feelings - for both the blocker and the blockee.

We’re a nation of avoiders and cr*p communicators - we’ve been avoiding talking about how we feel or stating our needs forever.

But why are we so scared to have conversations about how we're feeling?

Why do we not like to voice our concerns?

Why are we so uncomfortable to share what our needs are?

And why do we put ourselves over team?

Time and time again, I see businesses where a breakdown in communication is the issue and it’s stopping people working well, feeling engaged and producing good work.

Whereas previously maybe we were too over-connected and gave our time too freely, we’re now super un-connected. So, everyone feels a bit bruised, disengaged, demotivated, isolated or separate as a consequence.

Our most basic human skill is failing us and we HAVE to get better at it. Not only for the sake of our businesses, but how connected we feel as humans.

So, here are some really useful questions or conversation starters to use straight away with your team, employee or boss next time you want to start a dialogue.

  1. How do you like to manage or be managed?
  2. This is how I like to manage or be managed
  3. What’s your communication style?
  4. This is how I like to communicate
  5. What is the best way to ask for your input or feedback?
  6. This is how I tend to give feedback
  7. What would you do in my shoes?

I would love to hear people’s thoughts on this and whether you can relate!

I know you've been eagerly awaiting their return, so to add a sprinkle of excitement to this newsletter, here's my TikTok video on the topic.

For more information on how we can help your team communicate better, check out our employee training and development programmes.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Cate x






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