How To Take The Next Step In Your Career

Hi there,

I hope your week has been productive. And, if not productive, at least kind.

I was watching a brilliant Instagram video the other day by the awesome Chris Donnelly where he was talking about a friend of his who had tripled his salary in a year!

I mean, let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want that?

He said that he had done it by accepting three brutal realities in order to get paid more:

1. Do more than you’re paid to do - if you do less or the same as you’re job role, you’ll look content and not hungry enough.

2. Be known as someone who can get stuff done - take on extra responsibility to prove your worth.

3. Establish a high-performing network - success will come more easily if you have a group of valuable people who are keen to help and support you.

Now, I would imagine that a lot of these points are somewhat contentious - have we overworked for so long that we are sick of giving so much to of ourselves to businesses rather than protecting our boundaries and taking better care of ourselves?

However, the honest truth of the matter is that if you want to get ahead, and quickly, making the right impression is absolutely crucial.

I remember clearly when I was a Business Director at a media agency, looking to be promoted to a Client Director.

I can remember feeling quite unfairly treated, that someone else had been promoted before me. Then, during one of those ‘sit bolt upright at 3am moments’, I had this light bulb thought that no one ever got anywhere by being p*ssed off.

If I really wanted to move forward, I had to be the very best that I could be and shine in that role, in order to absolutely prove my worth and promote my suitability.

How did I do that? Well, arguably exactly as suggested above but also:

1. I worked on how to improve the performance of the team and put into practice new processes that people benefited from.

2. I thought about who my key stakeholders were and spent face-time with all of them and was clear about my vision.

3. I went out of my way to make the lives of everyone I worked on projects with easier. I never said no but didn’t always say yes. And, what I mean by that, is that I gave expert advice which was helpful and solutions driven.

And, low and behold, the next time the promotions came round, not only was I promoted but, ultimately, I was made head of the team.

Companies are a group of humans after all and, as Maya Angelou famously said:


So, if you're thinking "what's next?" maybe it's about what you can give - not just what you can get. After all, attraction, rather than promotion, is a road that has never failed on the route to growth and success.

As ever, I hope this helps and we’re always here if you need support for getting your team thinking differently and feeling more motivated! Take a look at our leadership and management training programmes.

With much love,

Cate x

Hi there,

I hope your week has been productive. And, if not productive, at least kind.

I was watching a brilliant Instagram video the other day by the awesome Chris Donnelly where he was talking about a friend of his who had tripled his salary in a year!

I mean, let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want that?

He said that he had done it by accepting three brutal realities in order to get paid more:

1. Do more than you’re paid to do - if you do less or the same as you’re job role, you’ll look content and not hungry enough.

2. Be known as someone who can get stuff done - take on extra responsibility to prove your worth.

3. Establish a high-performing network - success will come more easily if you have a group of valuable people who are keen to help and support you.

Now, I would imagine that a lot of these points are somewhat contentious - have we overworked for so long that we are sick of giving so much to of ourselves to businesses rather than protecting our boundaries and taking better care of ourselves?

However, the honest truth of the matter is that if you want to get ahead, and quickly, making the right impression is absolutely crucial.

I remember clearly when I was a Business Director at a media agency, looking to be promoted to a Client Director.

I can remember feeling quite unfairly treated, that someone else had been promoted before me. Then, during one of those ‘sit bolt upright at 3am moments’, I had this light bulb thought that no one ever got anywhere by being p*ssed off.

If I really wanted to move forward, I had to be the very best that I could be and shine in that role, in order to absolutely prove my worth and promote my suitability.

How did I do that? Well, arguably exactly as suggested above but also:

1. I worked on how to improve the performance of the team and put into practice new processes that people benefited from.

2. I thought about who my key stakeholders were and spent face-time with all of them and was clear about my vision.

3. I went out of my way to make the lives of everyone I worked on projects with easier. I never said no but didn’t always say yes. And, what I mean by that, is that I gave expert advice which was helpful and solutions driven.

And, low and behold, the next time the promotions came round, not only was I promoted but, ultimately, I was made head of the team.

Companies are a group of humans after all and, as Maya Angelou famously said:


So, if you're thinking "what's next?" maybe it's about what you can give - not just what you can get. After all, attraction, rather than promotion, is a road that has never failed on the route to growth and success.

As ever, I hope this helps and we’re always here if you need support for getting your team thinking differently and feeling more motivated! Take a look at our leadership and management training programmes.

With much love,

Cate x






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